Basic Courtesy

I think basic courtesy goes a long way if you want help from others. Especially crucial when you two aren’t close.

If I needed help, I would say hey, how’s it going. Even if I had to feign interest I would, because I needed something from them and it’s only right to hear if they’re doing fine. Because what if you’re bumping in at the wrong time?

But it annoys the crap out of me that some people don’t give a shit. They can just butt in with a million questions, sometimes with a ‘Hi’, sometimes without, without a care in the world because you, being the kind soul that you are (I am!), you will provide the answers anyway. And bitch about it later, on a blog perhaps.

All I know about you is your name and your school so don’t pretend we’re all that close for us to ignore formalities such as hi, how’s it going.

If I called my cousin up, it’ll be straight up, ‘babe, who sang this song?’

But if I needed help from someone I barely knew I would strike a damn conversation first!

It’s not even about me being narcissistic and wanting people to ask how I am and hear me go on about my life story. It’s about me feeling like we’re friends and you’re not just squeezing me dry whenever you need to.

Isn’t this just manners? Simple, basic courtesy?!

Why don't you say something?